Monday, July 19, 2010

Gigantic 45ft snake

A Gigantic Snake-45 feet long : Titanoboa

A killer snake that was longer than a bus, as heavy as a small car and which could swallow an animal the size of a cow, has been discovered by scientists.

The 45ft long monster - named Titanoboa - was so big that it lived on a diet of crocodiles and giant turtles, squeezing them to death and devouring them whole.

Artist's impression of the giant snake Titanoboa cerrejonensis which measured 45ft

Weighing an impressive 1.25 tons, it slithered around the tropical forests of South America 60million years ago, just five million years after the last dinosaurs were wiped out.

Partial skeletons of the boa constrictor-like prehistoric killer were found in a Colombian coal mine by an international team of fossil hunters.

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